Diamond CX-210A 2-Position Antenna Coaxial Switch



CX-210A: The diamond CX-210A is a low loss, two position coaxial switch providing very low loss and high isolation.

Frequency: DC-1000 MHz
Power 0-30 MHz: 1500 Watts CW
Power 30-150 MHz: 1000 Watts CW
Power 150-500 MHz: 500 Watts CW
Power 500-1000 MHz: 250 Watts CW
Insertion Loss: 0-500 MHz 0.05 dB
Insertion Loss: 500-1000 MHz 0.1 dB
Isolation: 0-200 MHz 70 dB
Isolation: 200-1000 MHz 60 dB
Impedance: 50 Ohms
Connectors: SO-239
Size: 2.8 x 1.8 x 3.7 inches (71 x 57 x 42 mm)
Weight: 15.2 oz (440 g)