HSP BU-16HP3 Antenna Balun 6:1



BU-16HP3: Particularly robust and reliable product, suitable to build wire antennas of the Windom type and similar off-center fed, asymmetrically fed wire antennas. Constructed of Kevlar / Nylon / Fiberglass with Teflon coated toroid’s and silver wire windings.

Type: 1:6 symmetrizer (1:6 transformer from unbalanced to balanced) ideal for high workloads
Frequency: 1.6 to 54 MHz
Power: 1700 Watts continuous and 3000 Watts PEP SSB for 60″ in HF
Connector: SO-239 (PL)
Dimensions: 10.5 x 11 cm.
Insulators: included

NOTE: Applicable power is always referred to a 1:1 SWR at resonance