Sirio New Titanium 3001-PL Mobile Antenna




3001 PL: Sirio new Titanium 3001 base loaded mobile CB and 10m band antenna. This antenna is made of very high quality materials and very flexible conical stainless steel rod and is tunable from 27 to 28.5MHz. It is easily tiltable by acting on the spheric joint by means of the safety set screw and key-ring supplied.

CB & 10m Mobile antennas
Tunable from 27 to 28.5 MHz
Protection from static discharges DC-Ground
17/7 PH tapered stainless steel whip
Suitable for magnetic mount

Type: base loaded
Frequency range: 27 … 28.5 MHz
Impedance: 50 Ω
Polarization: linear vertical
Bandwidth @ SWR ≤ 2: ≥ 1300 KHz (115 channel)
SWR @ res. freq.: ≤ 1.4
Max. power: Max. power: 300 Watts (CW) continuous, 900 Watts (CW) short time
Mounting: PL version: UHF-male (PL 259)
Materials: Brass, Copper, Nylon, Stainless Steel
Height (approx.): 1485 mm / 4.87 ft
Weight (approx.): 300 gr (radiator only)
P/N: SI 2211805.05