LDG Electronics AT-200ProII Automatic Antenna Tuner




AT-200PROll: Many modern transceivers transmit in the 125-200W range. This automatic antenna tuner is perfect for this new reality. It will tune a much wider range of impedance than the tuner built into your rig. It is small, lightweight and can provide years of service free antenna tuning for the 160-6m ham bands. Switch between two antennas. More memory!
It features LDG’s state-of-the-art, processor-controlled Switched-L tuner. It will match virtually any kind of coax-fed antenna, including Yagi’s, dipoles, inverted Vs, slopers, loops, just about anything.
The AT-200 features over 16,000 3D memories, automatically storing tuning data for frequencies and bands as you use them. It learns as you use it, adapting itself to your operating patterns for faster and faster tuning.
Fast tuning .1 seconds for memory tuning; .5 to 6 seconds for first time loads
Microprocessor controlled
Two position antenna switch. Separate memories for each antenna (multiple 3D memory banks) – all enables instantaneous band changes
Built in frequency counter for memory operation
Switched “L” tuning network
Easy to read LED bar-graph display for RF power, SWR, status
LED indicator for antenna selection and bypass 4200 fast memories
1.8 to 54 MHz coverage, built in frequency sensor
Selectable user parameters: Auto/Semi/Power Scale and more
Tunes 6 to 1000 Ohm Loads, tune even more with optional 4:1 balun
Power Range 5 to 250 watts (100w on 6m)
Size: 8.5″ x 6″ x 2″
Weight: 2 pounds
Includes DC power cable
Power requirements: 11 to 16 volts DC at 750 mA max during tuning