Diamond MX-72H Antenna Duplexer



MX-72H: Is a duplexer with two output 200mm leads ending in PL-259 plugs and an SO-239 socket as an input.
Port-1 (1.6 MHz to 150 MHz) for an HF or VHF radio.
Port-2 (400 MHz to 460 MHz) for a 70 cm band radio.
Passband width: LPF / 1.6 to 30MHz 49 to 150MHz, HPF / 400 to 460MHz (LPF:1.6 to 225MHz,HPF:340 to 1000MHz receiving only)
Power rating: 1.6 to 30MHz: 400W (CW) 1kW (PEP)
49 to 150MHz: 150W (CW) 400W (PEP)
400 to 460MHz: 100W (CW) 250W (PEP)
Insertion loss: LPF / Less than 0.15dB HPF / Less than 0.25dB
Isolation: LPF: More than 60dB
Impedance: 50ohms / VSWR: Less than 1.2:1
Socket: SO-239
Connection: 2 x PL-259
Coaxial cable : 5D-2VS (35cm)