Diamond HF-80CL Mobile Mono Band Antenna



HF-80CL: Functioning as a center-loaded quarter wave on their design frequencies, these mobile HF antennas offer a low SWR across their bands and have power ratings with which you’ll be very pleased. Tough and well constructed, these HF mono band antennas will give you many years of worry free service. The alignment of the antenna is done by adjusting the length of the upper whip. Fold-over hinge built in.

Frequency: 80 Meters (3.5 MHz)
Max. power rating: 120W (SSB), 40W (FM)
Length: 2.2m
Weight: 590g
Impedance: 50Ω
VSWR: Less than 1.5
Connector: PL-259 Male
Antenna Construction Type: 1/4 wave center loading.