Diamond CR-8900 Quad Band Mobile Antenna.



CR-8900: Quad band FM mobile, 10/6/2/70cm. With fold-over hinge that allows for easy access into low-overhead buildings.
Frequency: 29.5-29.7/51-54/144-148/440-450 MHz.
Gain: 10m 2.1 dBi / 6m 2.1 dBi / 2m 2.1 dBi / 70cm 5.5 dBi.
Power rated: 60 Watts FM.
Designed specifically for your Yaesu FT-8900 or FT-8900R radio, these antennas are pre-tuned to give the best SWR bandwidth.
Weight: 490gr
Length: 1.260 mm