Mobile One SMB27 1/2 Wave Vertical Base Antenna




SMB27: New style Station Master 1/2 wave base vertical antenna. Has a frequency range of 26-30MHz can be used on most amateur bands with an antenna tuner.
Great for 27MHz marine applications as well. The Station Master is pre tuned for 27Mhz CB. It can be adjusted in length and fine tuned from the top section and coil.
The Coil has been mounted in original design, that can be easily removed and serviced or replacement with other Amateur Loading Coils. Example: 80m/40m/20m/ Etc.

Pre-tuned for 26.5MHz to 28MHz
Max Power input: 1kW
VSWR < 1.5 to 1
Termination: SO239
Weight: 2.2kg
Length: 5.66mtrs (18'6")
Heavy Duty coil,
Heavy duty top section (cockatoo proof).