HI-Mound HK-709 High Profile Straight Key




HK-709: Hi-Mound HK-709 High profile straight keys have a similar mechanism to the HK-706, HK-707, and HK-708 low profiles models. However, this economy high profile HK-709 model is mounted on a 3/4 inch high base and has a large “mushroom” type pump key knob instead of the small button knob used on the other models. This high profile straight key type is typically used with the British style of sending CW, with the operators arm off the table. Instead of rubber feet, Hi-Mound keys utilize a clever rubber stripping around the bottom circumference of the base to keep them from moving on the table.
Keyer type: Straight key

Founded in 1947, Japanese manufacturer Hi-Mound Electro Co., LTD produces a complete line of high quality, economy priced straight keys and iambic paddles.