K300KM: Super strong gutter mount with tilt angle adjustable.
Low loss SO-239 base for popular VHF/UHF antennas.
Coaxial Cable: 16.5ft RG-58A/U with PL-259 connector.
Maximum antenna height 50″ inches.
Black adonized finish.
Address: 20 Pinewood Street, Upper Coomera 4209 QLD
+61 401 926 689 |
ABN: 70641983486
K300KM: Super strong gutter mount with tilt angle adjustable.
Low loss SO-239 base for popular VHF/UHF antennas.
Coaxial Cable: 16.5ft RG-58A/U with PL-259 connector.
Maximum antenna height 50″ inches.
Black adonized finish.